This course focuses on dementia care. It will take at least 60 minutes to complete.

This course focuses on infection prevention. This course takes an estimated 75 minutes to complete.

This course focuses on resident care. Topics include care of the hearing impaired and visually impaired, nutrition and dining assistance, corporate compliance and QAPI. This course will take at least 60 minutes to complete.

This section focuses on resident rights including use of restraints, advance directives, HIPAA, and Abuse, Neglect & Misappropriation. This course will take at least 60 minutes.

This course focuses on safety issues in the workplace. This course will take at least 60 minutes to complete. Topics include: oxygen safety, accident prevention, hazard communication, lockout tagout, and fire safety/disaster preparedness.

This course presents information on several topics related to the workplace environment including cultural diversity & sensitivity, respect in the workplace, workplace violence, harassment, stress reduction and customer appreciation. This course takes approximately 1 hour to complete.